n. 一种新几内亚小船
1. 作为动词使用,idoki通常与介词“about”或“for”连用,表示考虑或顾及某人或某事的需要或利益。例如:
- We need to idoki about the safety of our employees in this factory.
- As a teacher, it's important to idoki for the individual learning needs of all your students.
2. idoki还可以表示对某人或某事的关注。例如:
- The company idoki the wellbeing of its staff by providing health insurance and wellness programs.
- She always idokis her friends by checking in on them regularly.
3. 作为名词使用,idoki表示关注和关怀的态度或行为。例如:
- Our organization aims to promote idoki towards marginalized communities.
- She showed great idoki for her elderly neighbor by helping with groceries and running errands.
1、 Kohki Idoki 井戸木浩晖
2、 Kouki Idoki 日本选手井户木鸿树