innumerable a的意思|示意
innumerable a的网络常见释义
无数的 ... induce v 引导,导致 innumerable a 无数的,数不清的 irony n 讽刺,讥讽 ...
数不清的 ... numerical a 数字的,数值的 numerous a 数目众多的 innumerable a 数不清的 ...
innumerable a相关短语
1、 innumerable ĵ a 无数的
innumerable a相关例句
It breathes and takes wing, becoming a messenger in one or more of our innumerable transactions with the world and with each other.
The crowd grew very still, and a deep, low, happy sigh, as of people who see the theatre curtain go up at last, breathed from innumerable throats.
Because a stationary enemy has innumerable opportunities to ambush whatever moves into the kill zone, urban assault is probably the deadliest task to undertake.
Face back on the blackboard, platform in the long river, the teacher is time you put a 45 minutes, with sweat and toil wisdom into innumerable dazzling aura weave!
The drip flowing into my vein is drawn from a river with innumerable tributaries.
I have a father, a brother and a husband I love, not to mention innumerable male friends and colleagues.