install in的意思|示意

美 / inˈstɔ:l in / 英 / ɪnˈstɔl ɪn /



install in的用法详解

英语单词\"install in\"的用法讲解

\"Install in\"是一个常用的英语短语,用于描述安排、安装、配置等过程,特别是在计算机技术中经常被用到。以下是该短语的常见用法。

1. 描述软件程序的安装:

\"Install in\"常常被用来描述软件程序的安装,例如:

- \"I need to install this software in my computer before I can use it.\"

- \"The IT department will install the new software in all of the company's computers.\"

2. 描述配置和组装过程中的安装:

\"Install in\"也可以用来描述配置和组装过程中的安装,例如:

- \"The electrician will install the new lighting fixtures in the office.\"

- \"The plumber has to install the new pipes in the kitchen.\"

3. 描述某物部署到某地:

\"Install in\"也可以用来描述某物被部署到某个地方,例如:

- \"Our company will install the new production line in the factory in China.\"

- \"The government intends to install more surveillance cameras in the city center.\"

总的来说,\"install in\"是一个很实用的英语短语,经常用于描述安排、安装和配置等过程,尤其是在计算机技术领域中。

install in相关短语

1、 install in series 以串联方式安装,串联安装

2、 install in numbers 在数量上安装,安装在人数

3、 Install in Progress 安装中

4、 install in parallel 并联

5、 to install in graphical mode 在图形模式安装,要安装在图形模式,在图形模式下安装

6、 Install in directory 选择安装目录,安装的目录

7、 To install in the window 要安装在窗户旁

8、 INSTALL IN-MAT MEP 安装内部钢筋膀扎

install in相关例句

Install in valve using existing valve Bolts, Nuts, Washers and Handle Nut.

采用现存的阀门螺栓 、 螺母 、 垫圈和手柄螺母安装在阀门内.


The thickness gauge for cladding material is install in brush plating power supply.



Install in accordance with the local codes.



Now I just want to install in their hearts full of joy.



Slate Tiles are generally used to install in kitchen, counter tops, slabs and sinks.

板岩瓦片在厨房 、 桌面 、 平板和水槽通常被用于安装.


The electric appliance equipment should earth - plate, the wire should reliably insulate, and install in the conduit.

电器设备应接地, 电线应可靠绝缘, 并装在蛇皮袋内.
