interbank money market的意思|示意

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interbank money market的网络常见释义

银行同业拆息市场 ... interbank market银行同业拆放市场;银行同业市场 interbank money market银行同业拆息市场 interbank offered rate银行同业拆息率;银行同业拆息 ...

货币市场 包括:(1)银行间的外汇市场(interbank foreign exchange market);(2)指银行间的货币市场(interbank money market),亦即拆放市场而言。

银行同业货币市场 银行同业货币市场 interbank money market; inter-bank monies market 流行货 article in great demand .

interbank money market相关短语

1、 Interbank money market interest rates 隔夜拆款利率

2、 interbank unsecured-money market 银行间无抵押资金市场

interbank money market相关例句

Even cash-rich banks will hoard their money if they fear that the interbank market will seize up and cut them off from sources of future supply.


Sterling interbank ratesalso fell, notably after the Bank of England abandoned its refusal to intervenein the three-month money market.


Overnight dollar rates doubled in the interbank market while the rate paid by the American government for three-month money fell to its lowest in more than 50 years.
