into thin air的意思|示意
adv. 无影无踪
into thin air的用法详解
「Into thin air」是一个英语短语,意为「消失得无影无踪」。这个短语使用广泛,尤其在描述某个物体、人或事情突然不见时经常使用。下面是一些例句展示这个用法:
- My keys have disappeared into thin air.(我的钥匙已消失得无影无踪。)
- After the earthquake, the buildings vanished into thin air.(地震过后,建筑物消失得无影无踪。)
- The magician made the rabbit disappear into thin air.(魔术师把兔子变得消失得无影无踪。)
- The company's ambitious expansion plans disappeared into thin air when the financial crisis hit.(当金融危机爆发时,公司雄心勃勃的扩张计划就此破灭。)
总之,「into thin air」这个短语在英语中是一个常用表达,特别是在形容某件物品或人消失得无影无踪时经常使用。
into thin air相关短语
1、 vanish into thin air 不知去向,烟消去散,凭空消失,云消雾散
2、 disappear into thin air 不知去向,不可撤消,不留痕迹地消失了,不翼而飞
3、 melt into thin air 不知去向
4、 throw money into thin air 浪费钱
5、 Come into thin air 消失
6、 to disappear into thin air 人间蒸发
into thin air相关例句
Kirby's complete disappearance, as though he had vanished into thin air, admittedly has all experts baffled.
克尔培踪影全无, 好像已经化为空气一样, 这显然使所有的专家们迷惑不解.
Wonderful dreams may come true or may vanish into thin air.
They stepped on the first step and vanished into thin air.
All these will have the son in her later only then to vanish into thin air.
But it seemed that he had disappeared into thin air.
Original, mayakefusiji is shave bareheaded comes, that one show is sent already into thin air.
原来, 马雅可夫斯基是剃了个光头来的, 那一头秀发已无影无踪了.
Otherwise, the venture capital will vanish into thin air along with the froth.
不然, 风险投资将随着泡沫烟消云散.
If your paycheck seems to be disappearing into thin air, you may be stuck in money traps.