n. [眼科] 虹膜睫状体炎
English Words: Explanation and Usage of \"Iridocyclitis\"
\"Iridocyclitis\" is a medical condition that refers to the inflammation of the iris and the ciliary body of the eye. It can cause redness, pain, sensitivity to light, and blurred vision. The word \"iridocyclitis\" is derived from the Greek words \"iris\" (meaning \"rainbow\") and \"kyklos\" (meaning \"circle\"), emphasizing the fact that this condition affects the iris (which gives color to the eye) and the ciliary body (which regulates the focusing of the lens).
While \"iridocyclitis\" is primarily used in medical contexts, it can also be used more broadly to describe any inflammation of the iris or ciliary body. For example, if someone tells you that their eyes are red and painful, you might ask if they have iridocyclitis. However, it's important to note that \"iridocyclitis\" is a technical term that most people outside of the medical profession are unlikely to have heard of or be familiar with.
In summary, \"iridocyclitis\" is a medical term used to describe inflammation of the iris and ciliary body in the eye. Although it can be used more broadly, it is primarily used in medical contexts and may not be familiar to those outside of the medical profession.
1、 acute iridocyclitis 急性虹膜睫状体炎
2、 kerato-iridocyclitis 角膜虹膜睫状体炎
3、 fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis 虹膜睫状体炎
Objective To study the clinic features and prognosis of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis ( JRA ) - associated iridocyclitis.
目的探讨幼年类风湿性关节炎 ( JRA ) 并虹膜睫状体炎的临床表现及预后、转归.
The iridocyclitis resolved after treatment with dapsone, corticosteroids and mydriatics.
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