[劳经] 工作定向
工作导向 -工作导向(job-oriented): 提供各项信息,描述多项任务共性 -个人导向(Person-oriented): 知识,技能,能力,其他个人特征薪资
基础 以人为基础(Job-oriented)的职位分析方法是任职者行为的角度描述职位,侧重于任职者在履行工作职责时所需的知识、技术、能力以及其他行为特征。
导向 作导向 (job-oriented) 和 员工导向 ( employee-oriented ):前者较强调工作技术
1、 job-oriented training 定向培训 ; 工作培训 ; 详细翻译
2、 job oriented terminal 面向椎的终端 ; 面向椎的终端装置
3、 job-oriented terminal 面向作业的终端 ; 面向工作的终端装置
The asynchronous, schedule-based, scaleable qualities of job-oriented management are well suited for performing periodic administrative operations from the central data center out to the branches.
With the city life gradually community-oriented, it is an important job with practical significance to construct the preventing and intervening system for the teenagers' life crisis.
Integration of Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision Making and Grey Relation for Job Oriented...
This job-oriented style of management is useful in many different scenarios. However, it is especially valuable in these environments
SLAX does a good job of selecting a useful software collection for office- or home-oriented users, largely by eliminating the redundancy in larger distributions.
SLAX 很好地选择了一组面向公办和家庭用户的软件,这很大程度上是通过 消除更大的发行版本中的冗余而实现的。
One such supporting action was the introduction of new job roles for application-oriented DB2 DBAs.
作为这种支持的一项措施,管理层为面向应用程序的DB 2 DBA引入了一些新的工作角色。