journey to the emerald city的意思|示意

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journey to the emerald city的网络常见释义

翡翠城之旅 康诺斯与史密斯在其著作《翡翠城之旅》(Journey To The Emerald City)中,发现人们在处理问题时,往往用一些乏善可陈的借口来推脱或卸责。他们详细分析了“受害者循环”中受害者的6种心态:

取得竞争优势 (原载台湾《经理人》杂志,资料来源:《翡翠城之旅:创造负责任的文化, 取得竞争优势 》( Journey to the Emerald City ))在现实生活和职场中,人人都是victim,只不过情节和情结有所不同。

journey to the emerald city相关例句

Jonathan starts this journey in an emerald mine and then makes his way down to the great city of Ekaterinburg, built to protect and exploit reserves of iron ore found in the mountains.
