language in use的意思|示意

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language in use的网络常见释义

使用中的语言 具体来说,从互动社会 语言学中吸收的概念包括“实时互动”(real-time interaction)和“使用中的语言”(language in use),吸取了多模态研究中重视音乐、色彩、身体动作模态等做法,认为“人类互动” (human interaction)是人类以各种形式的符号(模...

语言运用 d ) 语言运用 (Language in Use): 在本环节中,同学们将对本单元的主要语法和词汇进 行归纳总结,并在各种语境中加以运用,以起到进一步复习巩固的目的。

语言 运用中的语言(language in use)就是话语(discourse),环境(context)的不同导致了语言的不同,而语言又反过来影响环境。

语言的使用 而在这样的思考脉络中,语言的使用(language in use)和意义的产制 (meaning-making)之所以成为关注点,乃是因为学者们相信:(1)就本质而言,人类社会 生活的实践即是论述的实践;(2)...

language in use相关短语

1、 Discourse is language in use 使用中的语言

2、 Language-in-use Practice 现学现用

3、 language in general use 通用语言

language in use相关例句

This conversational robot companion has cameras in its eyes, which allow it to track patients and use appropriate facial expressions and body language in its interactions.


Because the application programming interface (API) varies according to the programming language in use, this article does not review each of these extensions here.


Language has to be structured in a certain way, or it will be harder to use, he told New Scientist magazine.


The return value corresponds directly to the version information contained in the dynamic-link library (DLL) for the scripting language in use.

返回值与包含在正在使用的脚本语言动态链接库 (DLL) 中的版本信息直接对应。

The sounds of sense are all part of language in use, which people are using to do things with.


Discourse analysis studies language in use, that is, the real language used by real people in real communication.
