law as such的意思|示意
law as such的网络常见释义
法本身 法本身(law as such) 制定法(enactedlaw)
law as such相关短语
1、 Such As Law Enforcement 例如执法
law as such相关例句
Law enforcement is not enough; you have to provide alternatives such as the briquette programme.
“Because there is a law such as gravity, the Universe can and will create itself from nothing, ” the excerpt says.
Food law covers different areas such as food safety.
Now, though, we are seeing their return for subjects such as law and medicine.
In a number of areas, such as broadcasting rights, Congress has written exemptions to antitrust law to protect such collaboration.
In these places, informal quota systems give preference to ethnic Malays in the faculties of sought-after subjects such as law, medicine and engineering.