level-dyeing property的意思|示意

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level-dyeing property的网络常见释义

匀染性 ... latent property潜在财产 leased property租赁财产 level-dyeing property匀染性 ...

翻译 ... angioid翻译 【医】 血管样的 level-dyeing property翻译 【化】 匀染性 transposition error翻译 【计】 转置错误 ...

level-dyeing property相关例句

It showed that CL-2 has excellent level dyeing property and can improve the use rate of dyestuff.

表明CL - 2具有更优秀的匀染性和高的表观色深值,有利于匀染和染料利用率的提高。

The influence of pretreatment process of nylon fabric to desizing percentage, whiteness, dye-uptake, water proof, softness and level dyeing property was compared.


The results of the research indicate that adsorption of K type reactive dyes on the cation-modified rabbit hair fibre is significantly enhanced and level dyeing property, and colour fastness are good.
