light up with pleasure的意思|示意

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light up with pleasure的网络常见释义

喜形于色 ... 喜新厌旧 love the new and loathe the old 喜形于色 light up with pleasure 先来后到 first come,first served ...

形容心中喜悦 ... possible as the iron tree blooms ] 比喻事情难成、不可能实现或极少见的奇闻异事 [ light up with pleasure ] 形容心中喜悦,笑容满面 [ take a matter to heart take things too hard (serious) ] 把心中不如意、烦恼的事看得很重,放不下 ..

露出高兴的表情 ... light up sb's face使某人容光焕发 light up with pleasure(脸)露出高兴的表情 light on〔upon〕偶然发现,偶然获得… ...

light up with pleasure相关例句

This finding is corroborated by neuroscience research showing that when we give to others, our brains light up in areas associated with pleasure and reward.
