look about for的意思|示意
look about for的网络常见释义
四处寻找 ... in spirits:情绪或心情(好、坏等) keep up with:与……齐步前进,跟上 look about for:四处寻找 ...
四下寻找 ... look about v. 四处寻找, 考虑, 察看 v. 四处观看 look about for 四下寻找 look about one v. 察看自己的情况 ...
look about for相关短语
1、 look about for sth 四处寻找 ; 四下寻找某物
2、 look about for a house 到处找房子
3、 look about for detail 四下寻找
look about for相关例句
For a fascinating tale about creativity, look at a cleaning product called the Swiffer and how it came about, urges writer Jonah Lehrer.
作家乔纳·莱勒建议,若想要了解一个有关创造力的动人故事,可以了解一下一款名为 Swiffer 的清洁产品以及它是如何产生的。
I look for clues about the sender in the choice of writing implement, stationery, and even pressure of pen to paper.
You need about 270mg a day, and look for magnesium citrate, which is easier to absorb than magnesium oxide.
Hamlet 's friends were anxious about him and came to look for him. They found Hamlet kneeling down and looking up at the dark sky praying to God.
Not only this will happen but you will also look for his slightest mistakes then use them as proofs for what you have been told about him!
The researchers had 102 pairs of identical twins and 71 pairs of fraternal twins look at 20 different images of faces for about a second each.