low grade ore的意思|示意
low grade ore的网络常见释义
贪矿石 ... 炭质的:carbonaceous 贪矿石:low grade ore 坍落试验:slump test ...
贫矿 ... minimum economic ore grade 最低工业品位 low grade ore 贫矿 ; 低品位矿 ; 低品位矿石 High-grade Ore 富矿 ...
低级矿 ... low forest 矮林 low grade ore 低级矿 low ground 低地 ...
低品位矿 ... low frequency 低频 low grade ore 低品位矿 low intensity test reactor 低中子通量密度试验性回响堆 ...
low grade ore相关短语
1、 low-grade ore 贫矿石 ; 低品位矿石 ; 低级矿石 ; 低级矿
2、 lean low grade ore 贫矿
3、 low-grade ore deposit 低品位金矿床
low grade ore相关例句
He also knows that big mining companies prefer mountains of low-grade ore to small, high-grade mines like his.
Reasons for resulting in high gold grade of tail water and low gold adsorption rate in the flow sheet of ore dressing are analysed comprehensively.
The high purity manganese carbonate is prepared by the process of leaching, removing impurities and crystallizing from Guangxi's low grade manganese ore.
The oxidized copper ore is low copper grade, complex minerals composition, fine-grained dissemination, high oxidation level, and high content of alkaline gangues.
It is effectively on accelerating leaching speed of copper sulfide and increasing leaching rate of copper that bacteria ACTS on low grade copper sulfide ore.
Oxidized copper ore from the Tonglushan copper iron Mine, low in copper grade and abundant in mud and alkali gangue, is difficult to concentrate.