low molecular weight heparin的意思|示意

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low molecular weight heparin的网络常见释义

低分子肝素 法安明(Fragmin)为一种低分子肝素(Low molecular weight heparin,LMWH),是临床常用的抗凝血药物。研究发现LMWH除了抗凝作用外还有强大的抗炎作用且与发挥抗凝作用的官能团不同。

低分子量肝素 我科在人工髋关节置换术后多使用低分子量肝素(low molecular weight heparin,LMWH)作为常规抗凝药物。低分子量肝素与普通肝素相比抑制血小板的功能降低,使出血的副作用减少。

低分子肝素钠 ...影响4500字_毕业论文网 关键词】 低分子肝素钠;肾病综合征;白细胞介素-8 [gap=1108]Key words: low molecular weight heparin; primary nephritic syndrome; interleukin-8 ...

下肢深静脉血栓形成 恶性肿瘤患者下肢深静脉血栓形成的早期诊断与防治_临床医学论文--《医药卫生护理学》--互联网考试中心 关键词】 肿瘤;下肢深静脉血栓形成;低分子量肝素 [gap=640]Key words】 Tumor; Limb deep vein thrombsis; Low molecularweight heparin

low molecular weight heparin相关短语

1、 Low-molecular-weight Heparin Calcium 肝素钙 ; 低分子肝素钙

2、 Low molecular weight heparin calium 低分子肝素钙

3、 Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin Sodium Injection 低分子量肝素钠注射液 ; 低分子肝素钠

low molecular weight heparin相关例句

Objective to determine the therapeutic effectiveness of low molecular weight heparin calcium in treating unstable angina pectoris (UAP).


Objective To observe the curative effect of different dosages of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) in patients with acute cerebral infarction (ACI).


AIM: To evaluate the therapeutic effect and safety of low molecular weight heparin calcium combined with naloxone on acute cerebral infraction in early stage.


Conclusion The low molecular weight heparin is safe and effective in preventing postoperative deep vein thrombosis in patients following hip and knee surgery.


Purpose To study purification method of the low molecular weight heparin(LMWH) by affinity chromatography.


Conclusion Low molecular weight heparin combined with routine treatment can control angina pectoris and decrease the incidence of myocardial infarction more effectively.
