macro data的意思|示意

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macro data的网络常见释义

宏数据 ... macro definition宏定义 macro data宏数据 macro command宏命令 ...

macro data相关短语

1、 macro data language 宏数据语言

2、 macro-data 宏观数据

3、 China Macro Economy Data 中国宏观经济数据库

macro data相关例句

I have developed the BinZhou government decision support system, the system provide data statistics, macro economy analyzing, and decision support, it has more practical popularized value.


EXCEL is a good assistant for data process. The paper gives out two examples to skillfully use Macro in EXCEL.


The early warning indicator, which has an important meaning for the description of Macro-economic trend, is obtained by analyzing the Comprehensive macroeconomic data.


There are two issues that make a macro set preferable to data languages like the XML declarative security file.


A configuration file (called a HATS macro) defines the data that is required from the screens of the host application.


The defrecord macro, introduced along with protocols in Clojure 1.2, can be used to create containers for structured data that combine the features of maps and classes.

defrecord宏在Clojure 1.2中随协议引入,可用于为结构化数据创建结合了映射和类功能的容器。