main chance的意思|示意
main chance的用法详解
英语单词\"main chance\"是一个常用的短语,在许多场合中都有着不同的用法,以下是针对该短语的一些详细讲解:
1. 機會或機遇
\"Main chance\" 这个短语最常见的用法就是指机会或机遇。这个词也经常在商业和职业方面使用,特别是在谈论个人职业发展时。例如,
- I don't want to miss my main chance to make a name for myself in this industry. (我不想错过在这个行业上闯出一番名声的机会。)
- She saw the job offer as her main chance to establish her career. (她把这份工作当做她在事业上奠定基础的主要机会。)
2. 利益
\"Main chance\" 这个词也可以用来指利益。在这种情况下,它通常用作贬义,表示某人把个人利益看得高于一切。例如:
- He's always looking for his main chance, even if it means stepping on other people to get ahead. (他总是在寻找机会来谋取个人利益,即使这意味着要践踏别人。)
- She's a person who only cares about her main chance and doesn't consider other people's feelings. (她是一个只关心个人利益而不考虑他人感受的人。)
3. 生存机会
\"Main chance\" 这个词在某些情况下也可以与 \"survival\" 一起使用,表示生存机会。例如:
- In the wild, every animal is looking for its main chance to survive. (在野外,每只动物都在寻找生存的机会。)
- In a competitive job market, you have to be ready to seize your main chance if you want to succeed. (在竞争激烈的就业市场中,如果你想成功,你必须随时准备好抓住你的生存机会。)
总的来说,\"main chance\" 这个短语非常多面化,用法也比较广泛,具体取决于上下文和使用场合。
main chance相关短语
1、 the main chance 好机会,赚钱的机会,最有利的机会
2、 to sell at main chance 捂盘惜售
main chance相关例句
He always has an eye to the main chance, seeing when money can be made.
Otto always has an eye for the main chance.
I think I must do it; this may be my main chance.
我认为我非做不可, 这可能是我的大好机会.
Nevertheless, to manager of company information department, this is main chance of development discussion CRM however.
不过, 对公司信息部经理来说, 这却是一次深入讨论CRM的好机会.
Really, sina CEO Cao Guowei discovered this the main chance.
的确, 新浪CEO曹国伟发现了这个“好机会”.
Bob visits his rich uncle every week; he's always had an eye on the main chance.
鲍勃每周都去拜访他有钱的叔叔, 他总是图谋私利的.