make a tender for的意思|示意
make a tender for的用法详解
英语单词\"make a tender for\"的用法讲解
\"Make a tender for\"是商业术语,通常用于招标和竞标活动中。该短语指的是一家公司或组织向另一家公司或组织提交一个书面申请,表明它有兴趣承担一个项目或提供一项服务,并提出具体的价格和条款。
以下是一些使用\"make a tender for\"的例句:
- Our company is planning to make a tender for the construction of the new office building.
- Several international corporations have made a tender for the development of the new airport.
- We encourage all interested parties to make a tender for the supply of medical equipment for our hospital.
- The government is looking for a consultant to help with the new policy implementation, and will make a tender for the best candidate.
在商业和政府领域,招标和竞标活动通常需要具有专业能力和财务实力的公司参与。因此,对于招标和竞标活动,了解\"make a tender for\"这一商业术语的正确用法至关重要。
make a tender for相关短语
1、 make a tender for detail 投标承办
2、 make a tender for sth 翻译,投标承办某事物
make a tender for相关例句
And to create the holding company they will need an exemption from having to make a mandatory tender offer for all shares from France's Financial Markets Authority (AMF).
Won't you ask God to give you a tender heart and make you willing to look for a mutually agreed upon solution?
To make tough meat tender enough to eat, you must cook it for a long time.