man-made forest的意思|示意

美 / ˈmænˈmeɪd ˈfɔrist / 英 / ˈmænˈmed ˈfɔrɪst /


man-made forest的用法详解

英语单词“man-made forest”可以理解为“人工造林”,是指通过人类的努力和活动建立的森林。这种人工造林,通常是为了保护环境和改善生态系统而进行的。它们可以在原有的荒地、沙漠或疏林地區建立,以改善当地的气候和土壤状况。




man-made forest相关短语

1、 Man Made Forest 人造森林

2、 Bilar man-made forest 人造红木种植林

3、 man made forest ry 人工营林业

4、 Man-made forest ecosystems 人工植被

5、 Eucalyptus globulus man-made forest 蓝桉人工林

6、 Platycladus orientalis-Robinia pseudoacacia man-made forest 侧柏刺槐林

man-made forest相关例句

Our man-made forest growing stock per hectare poses/ records only 49 cubic meters that equals only over 3 cubic meters per Mu.


Result shows, This competition index is suitable to Chinese fir man-made forest, and individual tree growth model accords with the demands of accuracy, it can be used to estimate growth of stands.


But oil spills of the sort that now threaten the Timor Sea, forest fires like those that recently afflicted Greece, and other man-made and man-assisted threats to wildlife are transient.
