many spotted的意思|示意

美 / ˈmeni ˈspɔtɪd / 英 / ˈmɛni ˈspɑtɪd /


many spotted的用法详解

英语单词\"many spotted\"是一个形容词,用来描述某种事物上有很多斑点。它的主要用途是描述动物的外观特征,例如\"many spotted leopard\"(有很多斑点的豹子)或\"many spotted cow\"(有很多斑点的奶牛)。

除了用来描述动物外观之外,\"many spotted\"也可以用于描述其他具有斑点的事物,例如\"many spotted butterfly\"(有很多斑点的蝴蝶)或\"many spotted ladybug\"(有很多斑点的瓢虫)。

总而言之,\"many spotted\"是一个用来描述具有很多斑点的事物的形容词,尤其常用于描述动物的外观特征。

many spotted相关短语

1、 Many-spotted Hummingbird 点斑蜂鸟,多点蜂鸟

2、 Many-spotted Cat Snake 繁花林蛇

3、 cape many-spotted snake 大鼻蛇

4、 Many-spotted Hummingbird Taphrospilus hypostictus 点斑蜂鸟

many spotted相关例句

I felt lucky I had not known any of them though many of them had spotted me before.


Many of the earliest known images of Hindu deities in India date from the time of the Kushan empire, fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or Gandharan grey schist.

在印度,许多已知最早的印度教神像都可以追溯到 Kushan 帝国时期,这些神像是用马图拉的斑点砂岩或 Gandharan 的灰色片岩建造的。

Then they searched for light on different wavelength and found many more sources of energy - indicating distant galaxies - that had not been spotted using the traditional technique.
