matter of fact的意思|示意

美 / ˈmætə ɔv fækt / 英 / ˈmætɚ ʌv fækt /

n. 事实

matter of fact的用法详解

英语单词\"matter of fact\"的用法讲解

\"matter of fact\"是一个常用的英语短语,它通常用来表示一种很实际的态度或观点。下面我们将详细讲解\"matter of fact\"的用法。

1. 作为形容词使用

当\"matter of fact\"作为形容词使用时,常常表示一种冷静、客观、不带感情的态度。例如:

- He gave a matter-of-fact report on the incident.(他对事件进行了冷静客观的报告。)

- She spoke about her illness in a matter-of-fact way.(她以平实的方式谈论自己的疾病。)

2. 作为副词使用

当\"matter of fact\"作为副词使用时,通常表示说话人有逻辑、明确的思维方式。例如:

- She stated matter-of-factly that she was not interested in the job.(她很明确地说她对那份工作没有兴趣。)

- He responded matter-of-factly to the question.(他对问题作出了具有逻辑性的回答。)

3. 常用搭配

\"matter of fact\"常常和其他词组一起使用,例如:

- a matter-of-fact attitude(平和客观的态度)

- matter-of-fact statement(实事求是的陈述)

- matter-of-fact way(实事求是的方式)

总的来说,\"matter of fact\"是一个非常实用的英语短语,它可以帮助我们表达自己的冷静客观态度,同时在表达中也不失逻辑性和明确性。

matter of fact相关短语

1、 as a matter of fact 事实上,实际上,其实,实际情况

2、 Matter-of-fact 事务性的,实际的,实质的

3、 as matter of fact 实际情况,真相,现实环境,接办

4、 matter-of -fact attitude 求实精神

5、 a matter of fact 事实上,事实上其实,实在太好了,事实

6、 Give A Matter-of-fact Account 据实而报

7、 factual matter-of-fact 事实的

matter of fact相关例句

He spoke in a matter - of - fact voice.

他用 就事论事 的语气说话.


John was doing his best to give Francis the news in a matter-of-fact way.



He sounded matter-of-fact and unemotional.



"I know you," he said flatly, matter-of-fact, neutral in tone.



As a matter of fact, we are schoolmates.



I'm going there tomorrow, as a matter of fact.

