
美 / 'mi:gəlɪ / 英 / 'migəlɪ /

adv. 瘦地;贫乏地


meagerly 是一个英语单词,常用于形容以渴望、热切或贪婪的心态对待某件事。

在日常生活中,我们可以用 meagerly 来描述一个人对食物、钱财或知识的追求。例如:

1. After days of wandering in the desert, they eagerly drank from the meagerly available water source.


2. The students meagerly searched the library's stacks for any remaining copies of the highly sought-after book.


3. The impoverished couple meagerly scraped by on their meager earnings, struggling to make ends meet.


需要注意的是,meagerly 是一个副词,通常出现在动词后面,修饰动作的方式。在一些场合中,也可以用于形容词前面,起到强调作用。例如:

1. The meagerly dressed beggar sat on the street corner, hoping for a few spare coins from passersby.


2. The meagerly furnished apartment had only the bare necessities, leaving the residents with a sense of emptiness.


综上所述,meagerly 是一个常用于描述追求、渴望或贪婪心态的副词,在英语写作和口语中都有广泛的应用。


1、 meagerly y 瘦地

2、 lankly meagerly meagrely 瘦地


One who lives very meagerly in order to hoard money.

