mean patch area的意思|示意
mean patch area的网络常见释义
平均斑块面积 定义 中文名称: 平均斑块面积 英文名称: mean patch area 定义: 景观中所有斑块或某一种斑块的平均面积。 应用学科: 生态学(一级学科); 景观生态学(二级学科) 以上内容由 全国科学技术名词审定委员会审定公 基于2
mean patch area相关例句
The result shows that with the time passing, the patch numbers of different landscape types increased sharply and every mean patch area decreased.
Indicators to evaluate landscape patterns include mean patch area, percentage of landscape, patch density, edge density, maximum patch index, landscape shape index, aggregation index.
With the increase of the average patch area, mean patch fractal dimension index increases slowly as a whole.