meaning to be的意思|示意
meaning to be的网络常见释义
意为 ... probably meaning to be 可能意为 meaning to be 意为 has meaning to most Americans 对大多数美国人都有意义 ...
meaning to be相关短语
1、 probably meaning to be 可能意为
meaning to be相关例句
Sometimes, you must be able to understand what is written and explain the meaning of them.
I wasn't meaning to be disrespectful.
Her years of imprisonment were not merely to be the required atonement: Hanna wanted to give them her own meaning, and she wanted this giving of meaning to be recognized.
All this is convoluted code for something simple: companies meaning to be good.
The internal relation of meaning inside language and the relation between language and culture are factors that require the target language to use its form to match the meaning to be translated.
Many magical items in World of Warcraft are soul bound, meaning that they are permanently bound to specific players and cannot be transferred to other players.