小型商店 ... a mom-and-pop store 夫妻店 mom-and-pop hotel 夫妻旅店 mom-and-pop-business 小型商店 ...
小型商铺 随灭66号公路发家,往来乘客添加,沿途乡镇接踵地成长起来,小型商铺(mom-and-pop-business)当运而生,供给乘客加油、餐饮、购物办事.加上公路平稳好走,深受卡车司机青睐,于是日日车水马龙,成为主要工具运输通道.
I would be happy to set up a website for any mom-and-pop business that is okay with a website based off a blog host. For free.
The second half of Paul and Me chronicles their creation of Newman's Own — a mom-and-pop operation that started with salad dressing and grew into big business, raising $300 million for charity.
Whether you're a global Fortune 100 company or a mom-n-pop plumbing supply retailer, internal blogs can help you stay organized and external blogs can change the way people relate to your business.