most recent的意思|示意
most recent相关短语
1、 most recent first 近期排名第一,最近优先,最近的第一,最近浏览的记录
2、 BY most recent first 通过最近排名第一
3、 most recent posts 最近发表的文章,最新职位,最新帖子,最近文章
4、 keep their most recent state we are pirates, these data are stolen from youdao s 保留最新的月结单
5、 most recent update 最后更新
6、 Most Recent Driving Directions 打印行车路线,行车路线
7、 most recent common ancestor 最近共同祖先
8、 Show Most Recent 从最近的
9、 Most Recent Issue 国会最新颁布的法律
most recent相关例句
The most recent tenants hadn't even cut the grass.
I will leave with you a résumé of his most recent speech.