mouth off to的意思|示意

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mouth off to的网络常见释义

顶嘴 ... 顶吹的 top blown 顶嘴 answer back ;mouth off ;mouth off to ;talk back 顶墙 cap wall ;cope wall ...

mouth off to相关例句

The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit: he hath left off to be wise, and to do good.

他口中的言语,尽是罪孽诡诈。 他与智慧善行,已经断绝。

Also, not all germs are harmful; we need friendly bacteria that live on our skin to help fight off bad bugs, and bacteria in our mouth and gut help digest our food and prevent illness and disease.


It's killing off his nerves in his arms, legs and mouth - it stops him from being able to chew and talking properly.


They are all things you start to focus on. You start off thinking you're okay, then you have to go to some event and you remember you have a weird mouth, a broken nose and horrible legs.


We look at it with a big mouth, I feed it to eat off some peanuts.


It took us a good long time to reach the mouth of the river, so, instead of returning by sea, we got off the boat there and walked back home over the sands of the beach.
