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多断开关 ... 水银开关 switch; mercury 多断开关 switch; multiple-break 多极开关 switch; multipole ...


1、 multiple-break switch 多断式开关

2、 multiple break contact 多点开断触点

3、 multiple break circuit breaker 复断式断路器


Under the multiple pressures, it must give full scope to the established advantages of the radio to take more measures in fixed slot and audience so as to break through the predicament.


The utility model has the efficacy of avoiding generation of longitudinal break lines, smooth surface and multiple models.


Even if you have to do what seems to be a little extra work to break your piece into multiple working, reviewable chunks, the mistakes saved will pay you back a hundred-fold.


Therefore, if any string is longer than that, the PPE will have to invoke the program multiple times (a better program would simply break up the request into chunks on the SPE side).

因此,如果字符串比16 k长,PPE就必须多次调用此程序(更好的做法是在spe端将请求分解成小块)。

Expressions like the one above must be avoided. When in doubt, break a large expression into multiple statements to ensure that the order of evaluation is correct.


Using the Rational Software Architect environment you can break up a large model into multiple, smaller sub models similar to the fragments.

使用 Rational Software Architect 环境,您就可以将一个大型的模型分解为多个更小的子模型。