
美 / / 英 / /


开发 ... 开发: n-Space 运营: Square-Enix 平台: 3DS ...

n空间 N空间

空间 4.1 Rn上的向量 有序的n项 (ordered n-tuple) 所有有序的n项所构成的集合 n个实数的序列 n n维空间 (n-space): Rn 线性代数: 4.1节 p.222

制作厂商 ... 英文名称: Call of Duty Black Ops 制作厂商: n-Space 载体容量: 512Mbits ...


1、 Apes 'N Space 猩猩宇航员

2、 n Space 制作厂商

3、 motion n space 可动空间


Necessary and sufficient conditions are given on the symmetry of points and n-1 dimensional hyperplane of function of many variables in then-dimensional Euclidean space.


The ion (n + 2) transport process in cathode dark space of nitrogen glow discharge plasma is studied by using Monte Carlo Simulatoon.

采用蒙特卡罗方法对氮气辉光放电等离子体阴极区离子(N + 2)的运输过程进行了模拟。

In candidate sentences selection module, the methods we used to compute the similarity between sentences and query are N-gram modal and Vector Space modal.


So if you have some region of space S and you call its boundary surface S and you let n be the normal vector that goes out of the region R.


N Sync singer Lance Bass is currently undergoing tests to see if he could become the third space tourist. He wants to become the first entertainer in space.


The real symmetric matrix, the diagonal matrix and the orthogonal basis of n-dimensional Euclidean space are studied.
