神经激肽 神经激肽1
特别是神经激肽 镇痛药研究进展(新药研发) aulmann等以c-fos mRNA表达确定伤害性刺激在脑内活化的区域,通过阻断脑内的速激肽受体,特别是神经激肽(Neurokinin-1,NK1)受体,降低对疼痛的行为反应和缩小脑内疼痛诱导的c-Fos活化区域的面积,因此速激肽受体拮抗剂能有效改
1、 neurokinin-1 receptor NK1受体 ; 亚型受体
2、 neurokinin-1 receptors 神经激肽受体 ; 受体 ; 速激肽
3、 neurokinin 1 receptor 神经激肽受体
The present invention is directed to certain lactam compounds which are useful as neurokinin-1 (NK-1) receptor antagonists, and inhibitors of tachykinin and in particular substance p.
本发明涉及某些内酰胺化合物,其适用作神经激肽- 1 (NK - 1)受体拮抗剂,速激肽特别是P物质抑制剂。
The present invention is directed to certain quinoline compounds which are useful as neurokinin-1 (NK-1) receptor antagonists, and inhibitors of tachykinin and in particular substance p.
本发明涉及某些喹啉化合物,其用作神经激肽- 1 (NK - 1)受体拮抗剂,和速激肽及特别是P物质抑制剂。
NIAAA is also testing in alcoholics and heroin addicts a third drug that stymies another neurotransmitter involved in stress response, called neurokinin 1.
NIAAA还在酗酒者和海洛因上瘾者中试验第三种药物,它旨在阻止另一种参与应激反应的名为神经激? 1的神经传递素。