neutron neutron scattering的意思|示意
neutron neutron scattering的网络常见释义
中子 ... 中子倍增系:neutron multiplying system 中子 中子散射:neutron neutron scattering 中子 中子反应:neutron neutron reaction ...
neutron neutron scattering相关短语
1、 neutron n neutron scattering 中子
neutron neutron scattering相关例句
The oil-water interface neutron gauge for oil storage tank is developed by using the neutron back scattering technique.
It was found that the neutron scattering influence on the fission neutron spectrum is rather essential and can noticeably change the shape of the fission neutron spectra.
Cold Neutron Source (CNS) is one of the important systems through which China Advanced Research Reactor (CARR) could be used as important application platform of Neutron Scattering Experiment.
The study of the influence of neutron scattering by the surrounding medium and fragment detector on fission neutron spectrum measurement with time-of-flight (TOP) method has been carried out.
Almost each new constructed research reactor had installed CNS with the reason that cold neutron scattering experiment is the outstanding in neutron scattering experiment research.
The incident neutron spectrum at the experimental condition has been simulated with the code MCNP, and the scattering neutron influence has been calculated with the spectrum.