new design database的意思|示意
new design database的网络常见释义
新建设计 如果是全手工,直接在protel选择file(文件)-new design database(新建设计),建一个DDB文件包,然后再选择file(文件)-new document(新建文件),选择pcb document(pcb文件),然后在DDB管理界面双击刚才...
新建设计数据库 创建新设计数据库在图中所示的“New Design Database(新建设计数据库)”对话框中, 选择存放数据库的位置,并确定数据库的名称,然后单击“OK”。
新设计数据库 第三步:在图1-4新设计数据库(New Design Database)对话框中,设计存贮类型(Design Storage Type)选为MS Access Database;数据库文件名(Database File Name)*.ddb;再通过浏览...
new design database相关短语
1、 new orleans database design frame 新奥尔良数据库设计框架
new design database相关例句
The subsystem is based on distribution database structure design. A new database system design method, named as basic working units and data-oriented, is utilized.
In the design view, you see that a new design element called Web Services is added to a Lotus Notes database, as shown in Figure 1.
在设计视图中,您将看到一个新的Web Services设计元素被添加到了Lotus Notes数据库中,如图1所示。
A new design approach on database connection pool, self-optimized connection pool, is proposed in the paper.
After comparing all kinds of classification methods, this paper shows a new kind of ECG automatic diagnostic system based on the CBR model and some key points on ECG database design in the CBR model.
A new program design method for searching data at free table and free search conditions of the database management system in VFP is proposed in this paper?
A new flexible structural salary management system with auto-defining salary items is proposed here, and its database design and implementation are discussed, too.