not timid的意思|示意

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not timid的网络常见释义

不在胆小 专用区域 » Special area 不在胆小 » not timid 好了。好了。

not timid相关短语

1、 Not Timid Heart 不胆怯心

2、 Do not be timid 别那么胆小 ; 不要胆怯

not timid相关例句

Of course, not timid and overcautious wealth to come. Only you dare go all out, dare to fight, then you are likely to succeed.


You are original, said he, and not timid. There is something brave in your spirit, as well as penetrating in your eye; but allow me to assure you that you partially misinterpret my emotions.


Try not to be so timid when you speak.


In my growing, I've always been a timid, I dare not to anyone, also dare not speak in public.


They are not timid. They're quite confident and bold.


The timid child would not leave his mother's side.
