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童童 童童(now scream out) 评论: 微物之神

now scream out相关例句

Sidney, played by Neve Campbell is back on screen. And if you see her on Scream, it only means that Ghostface is out to wreak havoc, now in the town of Woodsboro.


COURTENEY COX (Monica) missed out on Teri Hatcher's part in the massively successful TV series Desperate Housewives and is now set to film horror flick Scream 4.


Should you ask why? Should you make a case for yourself? Should you scream "APRIL FOOL'S" and run away? For now, all you can do is mouth a half-hearted "oh" as they stammer out an apology.


Likewise, many flight attendants are now trained to scream at passengers in burning planes, "Get out!"


Everyday from right now, gonna use our voices and scream out loud.
