of a taxi的意思|示意

美 / ɔv ə ˈtæksi / 英 / ʌv e ˈtæksi /

n. 最低车费

of a taxi的用法详解

在英语中,我们常常会使用单词“taxi”来表示一种交通工具。当我们想要描述或者谈论出租车时,还可以使用“of a taxi”这个短语。下面将为大家讲解“of a taxi”这个短语在英语中的用法。

1. 表示出租车的性质或特征。比如说,“the color of a taxi”, “the sound of a taxi”, “the speed of a taxi”等等。这些词组可以用来描述出租车的颜色、声音、速度等方面。

2. 表示出租车的用途。例如,“the purpose of a taxi”, “the function of a taxi”, “the role of a taxi”等等。这些词组可以用来描述出租车的作用、功能和用途等方面。

3. 特定场景中的使用。例如,“the interior of a taxi”, “the driver of a taxi”, “the passenger of a taxi”. 这些词组可以用来描述出租车内部的布置、司机和乘客等方面。

总之,“of a taxi”这个短语在英语中可以用来表达出租车的性质、用途和特定场景中的使用等。希望上述讲解对你有所帮助。

of a taxi相关短语

1、 multiple hire of a taxi 多人共租用的士

2、 get out of a taxi 从出租车里出来

of a taxi相关例句

An easy to use taxifare estimator that predicts the cost of a taxi from one destination to the next inside major US and Canadian cities.


Fingers trembling, he flipped through the directory looking for the number of a taxi stand.



He then trotted over to a man getting out of a taxi. After a few minutes of discussion, they entered the office together.


On second thought, I will take the subway of a taxi.

我原本准备打车去,但转念一想, 我应该坐地铁.


The arrival of a taxi was unusual enough; an unknown woman getting out of it was sensational.

来了辆出租车就够奇怪的了, 从里面出来一名陌生女子就更引人注目.


The flag-fall price of a taxi in Shanghai has risen to 11 yuan from 10 yuan during the daytime.


The sound of a taxi is heard outside the house.



I gave birth to my baby in the back of a taxi.

