of authority的意思|示意

美 / / 英 / /

of authority相关短语

1、 delegation of authority 授权,官方代表团,委派授权,转授权力

2、 POINTS OF AUTHORITY 光荣时刻,权力焦点,荣耀时辰,官方观点

3、 letter of authority 授权书,委托拨款证,授权证书委托证书,授权证书

4、 scope of authority 权力范围,授权范围

5、 advice of authority to pay 授权付款通知书

6、 line of authority 权力线

7、 limits of authority 授权范围,税收管理权和权限,权限,职能权利范围

8、 act in excess of authority 越权行为,翻译

9、 misuse of authority 滥用职权,英语翻译

of authority相关例句

All his work bears the stamp of authority.



She had an aura of authority.

