ok with button的意思|示意

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Ok with button

ok with button的网络常见释义

确定按钮 ...Show a Lake spring » 显示一个湖的春天 ok with button » 确定按钮 distribution will be considered at length in Chapter 10 but warrants some consideration here » 分布会详细审议第 10 章不过...

确定与按钮 ...远不会依赖于此 world.Because,甚至你的影子离开你,当你在黑暗中的人 on the dresser » 在修整 ok with button » 确定与按钮 ..

ok with button相关短语

1、 Confirm with OK button 按下“OK”键确认

ok with button相关例句

I'm ok with the top button either being a fixed space from the top edge or a proportional space from the top edge, likewise for the bottom button and the bottom edge.


Thus, when the form is submitted with the button, the associated method gets invoked (assuming that all validation is ok).


When editing from the Perspective List panel, changes are saved to the content package as you exit the panels with the OK button.

在Perspective List面板上进行编辑时,单击OK按钮退出面板时,会将更改保存到程序包中。

Altering the action associated with the OK button can do this.


Once you select the list of projects and click on the OK button, the Existing project text box will be updated with the list of projects selected by the user as shown in Figure 14 below.

一旦您选择了项目的列表并点击了 OK 按钮,那么已存在的项目文本框就会随着用户所选择的项目列表而变化,如图 14 所示。

Furthermore, the AWT Robot doesn't provide a reliable mechanism for component lookup (such as find button with text "ok").

另外,AWT Robot不为组件查询(比如查找带有文本“OK”的按钮)提供可靠机制。