old crude的意思|示意

美 / əuld kru:d / 英 / old krud /

[经] 老原油

old crude的用法详解

英语单词\"old crude\"可以分别解释为\"old\"表示\"老的\",\"crude\"表示\"粗糙的\",这个词组可以用来形容某个人或物的状态。

通常而言,\"old crude\"这个词组的使用具有贬义的含义,因为它表达出来的是一种嘲讽、轻蔑或不屑的态度,而不是一种肯定或赞扬。这个词组可以用来形容一个人油腔滑调或口无遮拦的行为,或用来形容一件物品的品质低劣、粗糙不堪。

举个例子,如果你在描述一个衣衫褴褛、不修边幅的老头时,可以说:\"He's just an old crude man.\"这句话的意思是\"他就是一个衣衫褴褛、不修边幅的老头子。\"另外,如果你评价某位跑得不快、脑子不太灵光的人,可能就会说:\"He's an old crude runner.\"这句话的意思是\"他是一个跑得不太快、不太聪明的家伙。\"

总的来说,\"old crude\"这个词组的用法相对比较简单,但是启示我们注意语境和语气的影响,以免失言而得罪他人。

old crude相关短语

1、 old oil old crude 老油

old crude相关例句

Europe's creaky old refineries will not be able to process the heavier Saudi crude, and fuel regulations there are less tolerant of sulphur content than elsewhere in the world.


The old and new problems in crude desalting which need urgent attention were shown out by large amount of testing data. The measures to tackle these problems were presented.


And while new people were arriving, old problems were disappearing only slowly, including binge-drinking, crude, rude young people and dysfunctional families.
