old guard的意思|示意
old guard的用法详解
英语单词“old guard”指的是一组长期占据某个领域或行业的老一辈人物,通常指那些保守、守旧、崇尚传统观念的人。下面将分别从词源、常见用法和例句等角度对“old guard”做进一步的讲解。
1. 词源
“Old guard”源于法语“la vieille garde”,指的是担任拿破仑统帅的近卫军。在英语中,“old guard”这个词汇最早出现于19世纪30年代,用来形容那些坚守旧习惯、保护既得利益、并反对改革的人。
2. 常见用法
在现代英语中,“old guard”通常用于形容一个人或一个团体在某个领域或行业中掌握着权力地位,并抵御新思想、新技术或新面孔的挑战,被认为保守或过时。例如,“the old guard of the film industry”(电影行业的老一辈人物),“the old guard of the Republican Party”(共和党的老牌势力)、“the old guard of the banking industry”(银行业的老牌势力)等。
此外,“old guard”在口语中也可以用于指代一些忠诚而且经验丰富的人,他们曾经为某个组织或社会做出过突出的贡献,也有可能因此成为该组织或社会的重要领袖人物。例如:“the old guard of the civil rights movement”(民权运动的老一辈人物)、“the old guard of the labor union”(工会老牌领袖)等等。
3. 例句
以下是几个例句,可以更好地理解“old guard”的用法和含义。
- The old guard of the fashion industry is resistant to changes and new ideas, resulting in a lack of innovation.
- The new CEO of the company is trying to bring in fresh perspectives and break up the old guard's monopoly on decision-making.
- Despite the criticisms from the old guard, the young artist's experimental works have garnered critical acclaim.
- The old guard of the political party still holds on to outdated policies and strategies, resulting in a loss of support among younger voters.
old guard相关短语
1、 the old guard 保守者,老卫队,守旧者
2、 Old-guard 守旧
3、 old guard wine 而传统派葡萄酒
4、 old guard system 宿卫制度
5、 the old guard detail 保守者
6、 Farewell to His Old Guard 向旧日的侍卫队告别
old guard相关例句
Property prices in Canberra collapsed as the old guard packed their bags and fled.
Old Guard of the backpack has already installed a dress parade will be held.
The conservative old guard had re-established its political supremacy.
The old guard did not like the changes that Barros introduced.
Abbas. old guard leaders returned from exile with the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat in 1994.
First, he agreed with his Old Guard friends that such a move would disrupt the party.
第一, 他同意保守派朋友的意见,认为这样会分裂党.
The old guard is only now recognizing the fact that your present reality is beyond saving.
They are replacing an old guard who ran clubs for love and glory.