on compulsion的意思|示意
on compulsion的用法详解
英语单词\"on compulsion\"的用法讲解
\"On compulsion\"是一个常见的英语短语,指的是在强制或牵制的情况下做某事,类似于“被迫”或“在被迫的情况下”。下面将详细讲解该短语的用法。
1. 常用于描述被迫做某事的情况。比如,“He agreed to the deal on compulsion.”(他在被迫的情况下同意了交易。) “I went to the party on compulsion.”(我是被迫去的那个派对。)
2. 在法律和政治上也有一定的使用,意味着“强制执行”。例如,“The new law will be enforced on compulsion.”(新法律将会被强制执行。)
3. 也可以用于讽刺或幽默的场合,比如,“I only watch sports on compulsion.”(看体育比赛,只是被迫的需要。)
以上是 on compulsion 短语的用法介绍,希望对你有所帮助。
on compulsion相关短语
1、 on repetition compulsion 关于强迫性重复
on compulsion相关例句
Bodily exercise, when compulsory, does no harm to the body; but knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind.
A brigand surprises me at the edge of a wood: must I not merely surrender my purse on compulsion; but, even if I could withhold it, am I in conscience bound to give it up?
Trust is grounded rather on reasons than on compulsion or fancy.
Article 5 Marriage must by based upon the complete willingness of both man and woman. Neither party may use compulsion on the other party and no third party may interfere.