on the breast的意思|示意

美 / ɔn ðə brest / 英 / ɑn ði brɛst /


on the breast的用法详解

英语中的单词“on the breast”通常是指婴儿在母亲乳房上哺乳的过程,这个短语也常用于描述哺乳期妇女的护理方法。

除了这个意思,\"on the breast\"也可以表示“在胸前”,比如在歌曲歌词中“我把你放在我的胸前”(I hold you on the breast)。

此外,在医学领域中,\"on the breast\"也可以用于表示某种病症或后遗症的发生位置,比如乳腺上发生的肿瘤或结节(tumors or nodules on the breast)。

总之,\"on the breast\"这个词组在语言中有着多种具体用法,需要根据上下文来理解其含义。

on the breast相关短语

1、 Straight On The Breast 劈胸

on the breast相关例句

More wondrous fragrance, for its flowers hung on the breast of the little maiden; and there, too, did he often lay his head during the flight. "it."


He bears it as a badge on the breast.



Light be the turf on the breast of the heaven-inspired poet who composed this glorious fragment!


Objective To discuss the effects of contraception by different dosage of DMPA on the breast feeding women, as well as the side effects and the cause of having to stop the medicine.


Hindly threw it, hitting him on the breast, and down he fell.

辛德雷真的扔了, 打在他的胸膛上, 使他跌倒在地.


She wore a white frock with pink bow on the breast and arms.



The cross on the breast, and the devil in the heart.

十字胸前挂, 恶念心中藏.
