on the lift的意思|示意

美 / ɔn ðə lift / 英 / ɑn ði lɪft /

adv. 虚弱地

on the lift的用法详解

英语单词\"on the lift\"的用法讲解

\"on the lift\"这个短语通常用于描述人或物品在上升或向上运动的过程中。

举例来说,在一个滑雪场上,你可以听到:“我正在等电梯上山顶。” 这表示一个人正在等待电梯把他/她带到山顶。

同样,当你坐在一个升降平台上,你可以描述自己“on the lift”,这表示你正在上升或向上运动。

此外,“on the lift”这个短语也可以用在比喻的表达中。例如,“他的事业在升腾”可以说成“his career is on the lift.”

总之,“on the lift”这个短语通常与上升或向上的运动联系在一起,并在口语和书面语中广泛使用。

on the lift相关短语

1、 infirmly on the lift weakly 虚弱地

2、 emergency on the sky lift 空中吊椅上的险情

on the lift相关例句

As I turned on my side I noticed pieces of fingernail, bits of skin and hair on the lift carpet.


These are uploaded to facebook as you ride down and you can read the com we are pirates, these data are stolen from youdao s from friends back home on the lift up again.


Coming into the door, I discovered that the Tito's tomb is on the lift side and an exhibition room is on the right.
