only a few的意思|示意

美 / ˈəunli ə fju: / 英 / ˈonli e fju /


only a few的用法详解

英语单词“only a few”的用法讲解

“only a few”这个短语常常用于表示数量很少或非常有限。它是由副词only和不定代词few合并而成的,通常用来强调某一事物的数量极少或不够。

以下是“only a few”在表达数量和限制方面的不同用法和例句:

1. 表示数量很少

例句:Only a few students attended the lecture.


2. 表示时间、空间、机会等方面的限制

例句:There are only a few hours left before the deadline.


3. 表示唯一的例外

例句:Only a few of the players were able to score in the game.


4. 表示数量有限

例句:There are only a few spots available for the internship program.


总之,“only a few”是一种语气较强的表达方式,可以用于各种不同的语境,通常用来表示数量有限、时间和空间限制、唯一的例外等含义。

only a few相关短语

1、 Only a few words 几个英语词

2、 Only a few of them 只有少数,只有少数人,只有其中的几个

3、 only a few steps farther 几步之遥

4、 Only a few days 过几天才有

5、 Only a few dollars 只是多几元钱

6、 You are only a few 你们人少

7、 Hill only a few trees 山上只剩下几棵树

8、 Only a few changes of 只有条数改变了

9、 since only a few compounds 从仅几种化合物,因为只有几个化合物,因为只有少数的化合物

only a few相关例句

These are only a few of the possibilities.



His ideas are advanced, and only a few people could understand him.

他的思想是先进的, 只有少数人能理解他.


It's only a few steps further.



She allowed herself only a few moments'indulgence in self - pity.



The baby was only a few hours old.



Matches cost only a few pence.



She finished only a few paces behind the winner.



The erection of this framework took only a few minutes.

