only natural的意思|示意
only natural的用法详解
英语单词“only natural”的用法讲解
“Only natural”这个短语通常用来强调某个事情是非常自然或合理的,表达“唯一自然的事情”或“唯一合理的事情”的意思。以下是一些常见用法:
1. It's only natural: 这是最常见的用法,用来指描述某人或某事物的行为或反应符合人的本性或个性。
例句:It's only natural that he would be upset after losing his job.
2. Only natural to: 这种用法可以用来描述某种行动或反应是很自然的,通常是在某种情况下。
例句:It is only natural to feel nervous before a big exam.
3. Only natural that: 当人们期望某些事情会发生时,通常会使用这种用法来描述这种事情是理所当然的。
例句:It's only natural that she would be excited about her new promotion.
4. Only natural for: 当谈论某人的能力、倾向、习惯时,通常使用这种用法来表达某种特征或方式是符合人的基本天性的。
例句: It is only natural for children to crave attention and affection from their parents.
5. Only natural thing: 当想要表达某个行为或反应在某种情况下是唯一合理的时,通常使用这种用法。
例句:It was the only natural thing to do, given the circumstances.
总之,“only natural”是一个非常有用的短语,可以用来描述各种情况或行为在相应的背景下是自然、合理和符合人性的。
only natural相关短语
1、 It's Only Natural 唱片名
2、 Only Natural Child 只自然孩子
3、 Only Natural Yohimbe 2001 只有自然育亨宾
4、 Accompany the dead only natural 陪伴死人的只有自然
5、 Only Natural Grapefruit Cholesterol Fighter 只有天然葡萄柚胆固醇战斗机
6、 natural application only 仅限于自然核销
7、 only logical and natural 只有逻辑和自然,唯一合理和自然
8、 It's Only Right and Natural 唱片名
only natural相关例句
It's only natural that you should be nervous.
In bed, it was only natural that we found hard to fall asleep.
睡到床上, 自然很难睡着.
汉英文学 - 散文英译
At some pointit is only natural to ask yourself, " What's wrong with me? "
所以有时问自己 “ 我哪里有毛病 ” 是件很自然的事.
It is only natural the opposite will cry down our great achievements.
This product contains only natural flavourings.
It is only natural that he should resent you.