级次顺序 ... order-disorder有序-无序 order-sequence级次顺序 order-sorter1指令分类器2级次分离器 ...
有序 ... 级跃迁 order-code 有序-无序 order-sequence 级次顺序 order-sorter ...
1、 order sequence 命令序列 ; 命令序列英语 ; 次第 ; 翻译
2、 order sequence of events 事情办理的先后次序
3、 Sequence and Order 次序和顺序 ; 时序和顺序 ; 次第和次第 ; 笔毙蚝退承
The analyst USES business rules and data precedence requirements to determine the order of the elements in the sequence.
For example, it is easy to order the elements of a sequence in a tree, but it is very tricky to do so in UML.
比如,在树中对一组元素排序很容易,但在 UML 中就需要很多技巧。
Because business object generation using the data in the form relies on the sequence of the fields, the order of the input elements in the HTML must not change.
We first introduce methods of finding the sum of the first n terms for an arithmetic sequence of higher order.
我们首先介绍了高阶等差数列前 n 项和的求解方法。
A sequence activity contains other activities that run sequentially in the order in which they appear within the sequence.
The ability to change the order in which messages appear on a sequence diagram has been enhanced, making it easier to get them into the desired order.