organic-inorganic compound fertilizer的意思|示意

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organic-inorganic compound fertilizer的网络常见释义

有机 Inorganic Phosphorus Fertilizer 无机磷肥 organic-inorganic compound fertilizer 有机 ; 有机无机复混肥料 Organic-inorganic Phosphate Fertilizer 有机无机磷肥 ..

有机无机复混肥料 有机无机复混肥料 (organic-inorganic compound fertilizer) 来源于标明养分的有机和无机物质的产品,由有机和无机肥料混合和(或)化合制成。

无机复混肥 ...无机复混肥;农田试验 [gap=998]Key words: paper-mills by alkaline-straw process; solid waste; organic-inorganic compound fertilizer; field test ...

无机复混肥料 准/规范中文名: 有机-无机复混肥料 标准/规范英文名: Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer 发布日期: 2002-02-01 标准状态: 现行 原文语种: 中文 译文语种: 英文 译文交稿时间: 款到后1日内发稿 原文页数: 8页 中文字

organic-inorganic compound fertilizer相关短语

1、 organic inorganic compound fertilizer 有机无机复混肥料

2、 HA organic-inorganic compound fertilizer HA有机

3、 efficient organic-inorganic compound fertilizer 高效有机

organic-inorganic compound fertilizer相关例句

Bacillus fertilizer, organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer have been used for exploiting the serial and special compound fertilizer.


The field test of the organic-inorganic compound fertilizer is also made. The results show that the compound fertilizer can increase yield, upgrade crop quality and improve the soil properties.


The populations of bacteria and fungi in powder organic-inorganic compound fertilizer were 10 times greater than that in granular organic-inorganic compound fertilizer.


The contrastive experiments of organic inorganic compound fertilizer with NPK compound fertilizer was carried out by corn, rice, cowpea and Chinese cabbage.


The results showed that biological organic-inorganic compound fertilizer expressed quite important effects on yield, quality of tomato and soil nutrient.


The invention also provides a method for preparing the organic inorganic compound fertilizer.
