out at heel的意思|示意

美 / aut æt hi:l / 英 / aʊt æt hil /


out at heel的用法详解


英语单词“out at heel”的用法讲解

“out at heel”一般用来形容一个人的服装或鞋子破旧不堪,不整洁,并且他们的衣着和外表都显示出他们的贫穷和困难。这个短语常常被用来描述经济拮据的人或者那些没有足够钱买新衣服的人。例如:

1. He's been out of work for a year and is looking really out at heel these days.(他已经失业一年了,现在看起来真的很贫穷。)

2. She was out at heel when she arrived, but she quickly brushed off her shoes and straightened her clothes.(她到达时穿着破旧不堪,但她很快将鞋子刷干净并整理了衣服。)


1. The old man shuffled down the street in his out at heel shoes.(那位老人穿着破旧的鞋子拖着步子走在街上。)

2. We couldn't help feeling sorry for the out at heel family, who didn't even have enough money to buy food.(我们不禁为这个贫穷的家庭感到难过,他们甚至没有足够的钱买食物。)

因此,无论是在口语还是书面英语中,我们都可以使用“out at heel”这个短语来形容贫穷困苦的人或不整洁的衣着和鞋子。


out at heel相关短语

1、 out at the heel 后跟破损的