out of sync的意思|示意
out of sync的网络常见释义
音画错位 音画错位 (OUT OF SYNC) 剪接声画拷贝时,由于音画合成的工作做得不够精确,以致声音与其相应影像对不齐.
同步 Status Refresh Rate (默认5分钟) 设置PB自动从版本控制服务器上读取信息以决定object是否同步(out of sync)的最短时间段。有效取值范围是1到59,单位是分钟。
失步 ... out of stock 脱销缺货 out of sync 失步 out of tackle to tackle 超出提单外 ...
不同步 要合理划分系统边界,尽量减少系统接口,接口多,信息冗余的可能性加大,信息不同步(Out of Sync)的可能性随之加大,管理成本随之增高。
out of sync相关短语
1、 Multi-frame out-of-sync 复帧失步
2、 The Out-of-Sync Child 凸槌的孩子 ; 不同步的孩子
3、 Playblast out-of-sync clips 播放预览不同步片段
out of sync相关例句
Is there anything I can do to prevent my LTPA keys from becoming out of sync between my cells?
At times, he has looked as good as ever in the low post, but at other times he has looked slow and out of sync.
An emphasis was placed on only marking up visible content; it's easy for invisible content to be abused or go out of sync with visible content.
However, it is possible for out of sync data situations to occur.
These two operations will make the Domino NSF be out of sync with the actual state of the data.
这两个操作会使得Domino NSF与数据的实际状态不同步。
By 1582 the Julian calendar was out of sync with the seasons by several days.