over and again的意思|示意

美 / ˈəuvə ænd əˈɡen / 英 / ˈovɚ ənd əˈɡɛn /


over and again的用法详解

\"Over and again\" 是一个英语短语,通常指的是重复做某件事情,或者一遍又一遍地做同一件事情。这个短语在口语和书面语中都很常用。


- I've told you over and again not to leave your shoes out in the hallway.


- We had to go over the material again and again until we fully understood it.



- The author stressed the importance of reading over and again to grasp the true meaning of a literary work.


- The artist worked over and again on the painting, making countless revisions until he achieved the desired effect.


总的来说,\"over and again\"是一个相当直白的表达方式,可以用来描述许多不同的情境,但总的含义都是重复做某件事情。

over and again相关短语

1、 over and over again 反复,翻来覆去,多次,一再地

2、 think over and over again 形容多次反复思考,千思万想

3、 Think Over Again And Again 前思后想

4、 explain over and over again 反复解释

5、 oftentimes over and over again 形容次数很多

6、 Repeating Over And Over Again 絮絮叨叨

7、 Talk Over And Over Again 言来语去

8、 imploring over and over again 千叮万嘱

9、 say over and over again 翻来复去说,唠叨

over and again相关例句

I've failed over and again in my life.



He did not object to explaining a problem over and again.



I have seen it happen over and again throughout my Christian walk.

