
美 / / 英 / /


没有指定页面模版的页面会输出 没有指定页面模版的页面会输出:page-template-default 带有结果的搜索页面:search-results ..


Because the default template engine for Apache Click is Apache Velocity, the HTML file will be similar to a normal, static HTML page.

因为Apache Click的默认模板引擎是Apache Velocity, HTML文件与一般的静态HTML页面相似。

Choose "Use a default Page Template..." and select a thumbnail image from those displayed.

选择“Use a default Page Template .”并从显示的缩略图中选择一个。

With these two simple template examples in place, by default all French users will see an alternate copy of the logon page with French primary dialog text and English error messages.


To have a sidebar be different on a different template page, instead of using the default template tag, you can use the PHP command INCLUDE.


Open the database in Domino Designer, and copy the subform QuickPlace Page to your file cabinet template (filecab.ntf by default).

在 Domino Designer 中打开数据库,复制子表单 QuickPlace Page 到您的文件柜模板(缺省为 filecab.ntf)。

The second ui:define tag lets you specify the body of the page, which in the template page has no default content.

第二个 ui:define 标记让您指定页面主体,在模板页面中没有默认内容。